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Friends of Clifty

Preserving the history of St. Paul Lutheran Church by rehabilitating the Chapel and constructing a bell tower that will call people to worship. 



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Preserving the Past       Embracing the Future     Centered in Christ

Friends of Clifty
St. Paul Congregation Group Photo.jpg

Bell Tower Installation

Progression of Chapel Rehabilitation 
Removal of the Narthex


The Chapel Bell has been on display for several months in the gathering space. On May 10, 2022 it was taken over to The Verdin Company in Cincinnati, OH to be cleaned up. A new bell tower has been designed and is currently under construction to showcase the bell in front of St. Paul. The bell will be incorporated into regular use calling people to worship on Sunday mornings and at other designated services. We anticipate the dedication of the bell tower in the fall of 2023, just in time to celebrate the 175th anniversary of St. Paul Lutheran Church. 

Historical Timeline
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church
of Clifty and vicinity of Columbus, Indiana

1848 St. Paul founded with Rev. Carl Frinke of St. John's Lutheran Church at White Creek 

          serving as the first pastor.


1852 The congregation purchased fourteen acres for $100. A log church and a log cabin

          parsonage were constructed. Rev. J. Rauschert was called as the first resident pastor.


1858 A frame church was erected and dedicated.


1887 Construction began on a brick church (the chapel) with dedication in 1888.


1928 Stained glass windows installed in the chapel, in commemoration of the congregation's

          80th anniversary.


2009 Dedication of the present worship facility.


2022 Bell extraction and Chapel rehabilitation


2023 Bell installed in newly constructed bell tower. 

Chapel Altar and Pulpit Circa 1900.jpg
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Chapel circa 1900.

Chapel altar, pulpit, and baptismal font with the pulpit directly above the altar.

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