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We Believe:

That the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

In worship we gather around the Word and the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper to receive forgiveness and salvation.


As recipients of God's grace and mercy through Word and Sacrament, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to reach out to others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ corporately through the various organizations and missions that our congregation supports and Individually in our daily lives.


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Service Schedule


  • 8:00 AM Divine Service with Communion

  • 9:10 AM Fellowship

  • 9:30 AM Sunday School and Bible Study for all ages​​

  • 9:30 AM Radio Service on WYGS 91.1

  • 10:45 AM Divine Service with Communion in English and Spanish

  • Noon Lunch (resumes 8/4)

  • 12:15 PM  Spanish Bible Study

  • 12:15 PM Confirmation (7th and 8th grade)  (resumes 8/4)

  • 7:00 PM Lutheran Hour on WYGS 91.1


  • 9:30 AM Homeschool Religion Class (resumes 8/12)

  • 11:00 AM Small Group Handbells (resumes 8/19)


  • 9:00 AM Adult Bible Study

  • 10:15 AM Matins

  • 6:00 PM Adult Bible Study (resumes 8/7)

  • 6 PM Sr. Handbell Rehearsal (resumes 8/7)

  • 7 PM Sr. Choir Rehearsal  (resumes 8/7)



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Sunday School and Bible classes for all ages meet Sundays at 9:30 AM.

See below for more information on each class offered this summer.

Midweek Bible studies are Wednesdays at 9 AM

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